Thursday 21 November 2013

Post Wedding Post Honeymoon Post

I'm back! Whoop!

The wedding was awesome! (Just thought I'd get that in early)

We had an amazing day, all went well, only major issue was that the wedding ring I ordered from Etsy disappeared (no name and shame as I feel bad for the poor woman, though she does owe me my money). I had about six weeks before the wedding when I realised I hadn't bought a wedding ring! It's the little things you forget about you know ;-)

So I looked around, found a bunch of ugly modern rings. Apologies to those who like gold and silver combination rings with tiny inset diamonds. But it very much aint my bag! I was getting desparate when I found one on etsy, a victorian reproduction ring wth deep engraving of a floral design. I ordered happily (in the car on the way to family hen do) and paid extra for it to be sent super fast. Unfortunately, the seller put the wrong address on the ring and sent it to another address in California! (imagine me at work with mouth wide open and doing the silent panic).

It eventually arrived back at the seller who then sent it again super fast (out of her own pocket). I watched the tracker with baited breath... it made it to England yay! It made it to customs boo! (cue £50 release fee) It made it to Manchester yay! it...... never arrived! It was tracked down to a conveyor belt in the Parcel Force system and then... dropped off the face of the planet. Arg!

It was now four days to the wedding, I am contemplating wearing something 'borrowed'. But I thought, there's a lovely antique jewellers in Blackburn (home town) ill go there the day before the wedding and see what I see... ya never know! Lovely antique jewellers was shut, boo! Popped in to some more modern jewellers shops (cue more boring rings at astronomical prices).

We were giving up, we were on our way out of Blackburn, time to tidy the house for all of those 'completely natural this is how my house always looks morning pictures', when we decided to go in one last shop. I described what I was looking for and the lady brought out a box of rings, and then another, and then another! They were my saviours, and this is my beautiful ring:

I've got quite a few wedding-related posts to do, including the much talked about wedding dress! We made so much for this wedding, it was bonkers! But all totally worth it, had an amazing day, and honeymoon, how have you all been?

Mrs Deborah :-)


  1. Wow, I would've been in such a panicked state if that was me! All worked out in the end, happy to hear that it all went well and CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to see THE DRESS! x

  2. Congratulations! What a panic about the ring tho, you must have been really stressed! Glad it worked itself out in the end, your ring is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more photos of your day...

  3. Alls well that ends well. Sorry you had so much worry about it arriving, but glad you held out and didn't get a plain one. I too wanted a swirly, interesting wedding ring and got what I wanted in the end.



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